
"His work revolves around the empathic relationship with the human figure in relation to the context. His paintings and drawings, made with mixed techniques, which include materials such as concrete and wood, have a visual impact that induces the viewer to perceive an emotional and relational architecture, even so spatial, made up of silences and voids. Silence as a form of speech or as Susan Sontag would have defined it, of complaint or accusation. The figures express a relationship of resigned fetishism with everyday life, in which the tools that make up the grammar of our life represent the objective correlative of a discomfort or drives never expressed, between the surreal dimension of existence and the crudest realism.
Alongside all this, the echo of a political time still present, for better or for worse; contexts that give a theatricality to the narration, in which the characters sometimes generously, almost through consoling gestures, compose the dramaturgy of the narrative. As in a film by Ingmar Bergman, the vulnerability of Podhorsky's images speak to us of a humanity saved or to be saved, also thanks to the contribution of art. As he himself likes to say, figurativeness is, above all, the instrument of my "compassion" transformed into creativity." 

Massimiliano Scuderi, Artistic director of the Zimei foundation

"Rastislav Podhorsky is one of the most recent finalists, who immediately after being acknowledged as an emerging artist by an art magazine published by The Slovak National Gallery became a two-time winner. His artwork is unexpectedly focused and consistent in many aspects. The fact that he isn't a member of any of the "visual schools" enhances his specialness, and although the spiritual dimension of his training is obviously latent in his paintings, it is not mimetic or learned; it isoriginal and his own. His paintings frequently give the impression of drawings, not because of the medium or material but their spiritual subtlety. His award winning painting also belongs to this category. Despite the format, the theme and its interpretation are unexpectedly intimate and meditative and combine with an absurd Escher-like allusion and an unexpected humor with a distancing effect. He claims to strive to subjectively restore the experienc- ing of reality by eroding everydayness; by doing so, he wants to problematize the relations between the elements for the spectator- "all in the hope of preserving or even creating my own new belief in the work." " 

Alexandra Kusá, Director of the Slovak national gallery

Šedík, Michal: PROFIL PROFILU Rastislav Podhorský: Skryté možnosti realizmu. In: Profil súčasného výtvarného umenia 4/2017

„O realizme ako konvencii a možno aj metóde“ Rastislav Podhorský v rozhovore s Michalom Šedíkom In: In: Profil súčasného výtvarného umenia 4/2017

Pariláková, Eva: „NAKĽAKNUTIE PRÁZDNA“ (INTÍMNA SPIRITUALITA V TVORBE RASTISLAVA PODHORSKÉHO) In: Art communication & Popculture Uvedená štúdia je súčasťou grantovej úlohy VEGA č. 1/0461/16 Re-interpretácia obrazov kultúrnej pamäti v súčasnej estetickej a umeleckej reflexii riešenej v roku 2016 – 2018.(recenzované vedecké periodikum)

Lacko, Norbert: Rastislav Podhorský: Nevynechané In: Ostium, roč. 11, 2015, č. 3.

Královič, Ján: Stáť kolmo na hladine kolien (Príspevok k tvorbe Rastislava Podhorského) In: Jazdec 3 – 4 / 2013 / JÚL – DECEMBER > ROČNÍK V.

365°, Generácia 85-90, Rastislav Podhorský, Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava, 2014.

Čúzyová, Silvia.: Rastislav Podhorský. FlashArt 10. december 2019

Miklošková, Lucia, Niekoľko poznámok k výstave konštruktívna lyrika. 2018, In: Jazdec: Revue súčasného umenia 32 /Jeseň 2018 / Ročník IX.

Lacko, Norbert: Romboid 47 (3) 2012.


Močková, Jana: Nepozerajte sa na to, čo tam nie je. In: Denník N, október 2015, číslo 175, ročník 1.

Močková, Jana: S prstom na pulze, s dychom po korení. Tieto maľby nepotrebujú vysvetľovať. Denník N, jún 2015, ročník 1.

Černáková, Jana: Ako sme dnes schopný prežívať duchovné veci? In: MY SME NITRA 27.3.2016

Gura Doričová, Denisa: Chlieb nie každodenný. Rubrika: Dielo týždňa In: Sme, 15.11.2013

Močková Jana: Rastislav Podhorský v Artotéke, Rubrika: Kam chodíme, In: Sme 26.3. 2012


Lehocký, Luboš: Aj tichý hlas môže byť naliehavý In: ( 18.09.2015


2018 Fokus s Omarom Mirzom. Omar Mirza a výtvarník Rastislav Podhorský sa rozprávajú o subjektívnom vnímaní reality a duchovna v maľbe. 13.6.2018

2018 Triaška and Čejka_FM. Rastislav Podhorský a Martin Lukáč. 18.1.2018

2018 Štúdio kultúra. TA3. Projekt konštruktívna lyrika. Reportáž z výstavy. (Autor o svojej tvorbe.) 7.8.2018

2017 Profil Rastislav Podhorský. In: Relácia umenie. Kultúrny magazín. RTVS. (Návšteva ateliéru a rozhovor v samostatnom bloku.) 13.9.2017


Šedík, M.: POJEM UMENIA AKO RÁMEC A RÁM OBRAZU V PROCESE INTERPRETÁCIE. In: Zora Rusinová - Ján Kralovič (eds.) : Obraz - Rám - Priestor. Bratislava: VŠVU 2020 zmienená kniha Prievozník. O ľuďoch v neumení a figúrach v umení.

Karul R.: UTÓPIA A NEUTRUM PODĽA LOUISA MARINA  In: Zora Rusinová - Ján Kralovič (eds.) : Obraz - Rám - Priestor. Bratislava: VŠVU 2020 zmienená kniha Prievozník. O ľuďoch v neumení a figúrach v umení.

Časopis X – Myslené čiary, október 2019, OZ Hardness&blackness, Art&press  – séria kresieb Spytovať chlieb