Personal and publicated writings about art

  • Text: Rastislav Podhorský — Consultant: doc. Ing. arch. Monika Mitášová, PhD. — Reviewers: Mgr. Ondřej Dadejík, Ph.D., prof. Ľudovít Hološka, akad.mal., prof. PhDr. Marián Zervan, CSc. — Graphic design: Rastislav Podhorský, Aurélia Garová (first part of the text)
    Language: Slovak

    This work consists of three interwoven layers: 1. an older „base” text of Prievozník (published separately during the first half of my doctoral study), 2. a newer, hereby submitted metatext Protirečník, which is in a critical dialogue with the base text and thus forms indispensable theoretical part of my dissertation, and 3. a Výtvarník, a visual continuation of the textual. In the first two parts, I focus my attention on intra-art and intra-media aspects of creative processes and on the constitutive potential of media such as drawing or painting. The tension created by the different viewpoints of these two parallel texts is used as a scaffold to formulate essential problems in ontogeny and idiognosis of an author: Prievozník was based on the concept of „artist becoming a non-artist however the logic of this transition seems insufficient unless we can understand what itmeans for a person to become a visual artist, a graphical illustrator or a painter. How is a visual artist bound by the language and by the media which precedes him/her? Which kind of relationship emerges then between art creations and ever-changing experiences, visual sensing, and sensitivities of perception for art- as well as non-art inputs? This theoretical work is thus positioned within the interface of intra-artistic and extra-artistic, between personal and non-personal, between inner and outer. The third part, Výtvarník, is a visual follow up of the theoretical work and comprisesfigurative, figural and abstract drawings, paintings and analytical drawings or diagrams.

  • Text: Rastislav Podhorský — Consultant: Mgr. Norbert Lacko Phd. — Book reviewers: doc. Ing. arch. Monika Mitášová, PhD., Mgr. Róbert Karul, PhD. — Graphic design: Aurélia Garová
    Language: Slovak

    The publication presents a type of artist, or rather a type of art practice, which is theoretically defined by special oscilations between art and non-art. These two fields are defined by a moving boundary. Main topic is a hypothesis, that for this type of practice a relationship between artists and non-artists exists, which is not defined by conventions of communication, but rather latent creative potencial. The book was published by Slovart and Academy of fine arts and design in Bratislava in 2017.

  • Ongoing series of basic hand-written notions, ideas, doubts and problems—first attempt of their solutions—, also diagrams and quick sketches about art, artist as difficult image to bear, processuality in general, and latent forces interventing in to the art making process. Source of my critical distance from my artistic practice.

Shorter texts

